Come meet with us at
messiah lutheran Church

Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. Social time begins at 6:30 pm, and the meeting is called to order at 7:00 pm. Show and Tell is generally part of each meeting, and members and guests are encouraged to share their most recent quilted creations and acquisitions. Be sure to consult your newsletters for the most recent news, information, and program schedules. Also be sure to check the SMQ Facebook page for the latest activities and updates.
Guests and new members: looking at the view of Messiah Lutheran Church (above), please enter the fellowship hall at the far left (east) side of the building.
Guests and new members: looking at the view of Messiah Lutheran Church (above), please enter the fellowship hall at the far left (east) side of the building.
Welcome to our tennessee valley home
We are happy you are visiting our website and hope will take a few moments to acquaint yourself with our organization. We are especially proud of our quilt show that we have produced annually since 1980. We offer a variety of activities for our members such as community service sew days, challenges, and block and fabric swaps. We try to keep everyone informed via newsletters, the website, Facebook, and Instagram. You will find membership information, a calendar of events, and lots of photos that help to tell our story. Please enjoy browsing our website.
Find a group of people who inspire and challenge you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever." ~~ Amy Poehler
mission statementSmoky Mountain Quilters strives to advance the knowledge and appreciation of the craftsmanship, artistic expression, and historical significance of quiltmaking; to sponsor and support charitable projects to provide encouragement to those in need; and to promote friendship through shared activities. |